Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) is a gathering of catholic families, who pray, share, support
one another, learn and go forth in mission, evangelizing one another. It is an ecclesiastical
unit centered on the Word of God and extends the service in the neighbourhood. BEC helps
to build fellowship and friendship in the neighbourhood.
The benefits of belonging to BECs are significantly great. We have been able to make a
breakthrough to build and foster relationships with neighbourhoods of the Parish and thereby
making small communities of trust and friendships that is desirable for each parish. BECs
around the world and in India promote this communion of love, life and truth by forming small
units of 10-15 families who come together in fellowship and prayer and translate their love
and faith into service as one community. Pope John Paul II calls BECs a concrete expression
of the Church, home and family for everyone. Reading of the Bible verses gives a new
meaning, a new hope and a new enthusiasm. In fact, BECs are an attempt by the Church to
recapture, imbibe and activate the spirit of the early Christian communities in today’s context.
BECs foster genuine and deep human bonding in the neighbourhoods and plan ways to
involve everyone in witnessing the love of Jesus.
There are eighteen (16) BECs in the parish. BEC prayer meeting is held once a month in the
selected house of the Unit. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross is conducted by BECs
according to their turn. The BECs organize its patron’s feast every year as best as possible in
their Units involving all the families.
To know more regarding Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC), you may get in touch with
the Parish Priest or Assistant Parish Priests.