Parish Priest's Message

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

The Bible says, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord”. Indeed, I thank the Lord for choosing me as worthy to serve Him, at this beautiful church which is dedicated to St. Thomas, the great Apostle of India. I feel privileged to be appointed here as the parish priest this year which is also the Golden Jubilee Year of this parish.

This parish is blessed with a mixed group of people, adding colour, beauty and vibrancy to the church. God’s admirable intervention in blessing us with such a beautiful and prominent place of worship wherein people can easily gather together for worship and togetherness and approach the church in their need, is a marvel in itself.

I know for certain that St. Thomas is interceding for us and has blessed all the faithful ever since the establishment of this parish. As a sign of these blessings, I can see some of the faithful still here for over 25 years. It is also a privilege and a joy to know that our church has its own website and that our parishioners take wholehearted interest to update the people about all activities thus making collective efforts to promote unity and fraternity. Digital Technology, Social Media, and the Internet are prominent tools not just for Communication and daily needs but also to reach out to all, far and wide. And we are happy that our church has also actively placed its mark on this forum.

As we, the priests of this parish are just new to this place it’s a great relief and sign of encouragement to both of us to move forward with the baton entrusted to us by our predecessors.

On the outset, I would like to thank each one of you in this parish for the warm welcome extended to both of us.

May St. Thomas bless us all to be a faithful disciple of Christ. God bless you.

Your's in Christ
Fr. Vijay Baretto
Parish Priest

Visitor : 618176
  • Address: 1, Church Road
  • Sector 2, R. K. Puram
  • New Delhi 110022
  • Phone: 011 - 35639590